When you think of family photos, do you think of little kids? This family session with grown children is sure to change your mind today! Capturing moments with grown-up kids is just as special as when they were little, and you usually don’t have to bribe them with candy quite as much. I recently met up with this family for their session, and we all had a blast. 

Even with older kids, family sessions can still be playful and fun. It’s a chance to create new memories together while your big kiddos are still in the nest. Family photos are all about capturing a specific time in your life and the journey of your family – It doesn’t have to stop just because your kids have grown! In 20 years, you will still marvel at looking back at what your family was like during this season. 

This session even included a significant other, because family isn’t just about people we are related to; it’s about the people we love and cherish. One of my favorite parts of these sessions is seeing the connection between siblings and between kids and their parents. Even though they aren’t small anymore, the love and bond between family members still shines through so clearly. 

And you know what? These sessions are so much fun. There is no need to worry about corralling the kids or keeping them entertained (usually…) – everyone can just relax and enjoy each other’s company. The stress level is so low because everyone can handle themselves. It’s a dream! 

So, if you’re thinking about scheduling a family session with grown children, don’t hesitate! It’s a chance to celebrate your family, as it is now, after the hard work you have put into raising and parenting your kids. Create memories that you will cherish for years to come.

adults stand close during family session with grown children
siblings sit together during family session with grown children
siblings walk along railroad track at family session with grown children
parents hug on railroad tracks at family session with grown children
couple snuggles close on railroad tracks by San Diego Photographer
girl laughs on tracks by San Diego Photographer
sister laughs with hands on hips by San Diego Photographer
dad wraps arms around daughters by San Diego Photographer
kids sit with mom by Danielle Miranda Photography
oldest daughter stands with partner on bridge by Danielle Miranda Photography
parents and kids gather together by Danielle Miranda Photography
parents laugh on red bridge by Danielle Miranda Photography
daughter smiles on bridge during family session with grown children
girl looks up at sky during family session with grown children
adults walk in front of wooden building by San Diego Photographer
couple walks hand in hand laughing by San Diego Photographer
sisters walk arm in arm laughing by Danielle Miranda Photography