I've Made Mistakes

I have been in this business for almost a decade (?!) now. Wut. When I first started I would print out a paper with all of my date and time options for my mini sessions, manually scratch them off when they booked (aka when people messaged me and told me what time they wanted), repost the new times, send an invoice to their email, send a contract to their email, email them the location, take the photos, cull the photos, edit the photos, send a proof gallery through Dropbox, edit the ones they wanted, send an invoice for any extra photos, then email a new Dropbox link. Stop!!!! What was I doing?? I was being tied to my computer and giving myself way way way too much work. I had no time to spend with my family or to even breathe. I had to streamline everything before I gave up.

I Needed a Change

I started researching how I could lessen my work load and have my business run itself vs having my hands in everything. I've tried SO many apps, so many photographer resources, and I've finally landed on an amazing workflow. I narrowed it down to 5 key systems that help me run my business so I can focus on growing it further and more importantly, spending time with my family and living life!

1. A Booking System

This is my most important tool. Without my booking site I wouldn't be able to run my business the way I do. I keep all of my contracts, sessions, availability, calendar, booking emails, follow up emails, and everything else here. All things I used to send manually one at a time are now all done with one click by my client.

2. A Marketing Platform

Instagram can go away in a second, but email is forever. If my Instagram disappeared tomorrow I would be sad (and have a lot more time in my life) but I would still be able to reach my clients. I email them weekly to touch base, educate them on photography sessions, feature sessions I'm proud of, share my favorite things, and of course...mini sessions! I do a few emails before I release my minis and give them exclusive deals on those minis. It's my own place I can control and have direct contact with my clients.

3. Virtual Assistant

This is something to work up to. I know I certainly did not have a VA when I first started. But now that I have my VA I could never go back. It is not as much money as you might think but it is priceless. It gives you back time and it makes you money. For me, my VA sends my weekly emails. Every time I send an email, I make money and that is worth it enough for me!

4. A Gallery Delivery Service

I can't even believe that I used to send my clients their photos via Dropbox. Just no. The way you deliver photos matters immensely. It gives that Wow factor and leads to them *hopefully* buying the whole gallery. Gallery delivery services are clean and modern and beautiful and worth every penny. If you aren't delivering galleries through a platform, sign up now!!

5. Instagram

I know I said if IG left we could still function, but IG is also so important. It is a quick way to present ourselves as photographers. In one second a future client can see what vibe you are selling, what kind of photography you offer, and how they can get in contact with you. Make sure it is cohesive, your favorite galleries are pinned at the top, and your main photo is of YOU. People want to know who they are meeting and who will be photographing them so make it personal.

Minis Don't Have to be Stressful.

When you streamline your business and get all of these pieces working for YOU, you can have a successful and stress free mini session launch. If you want suggestions, visit my resources page below! All of my favorite resources can be found there.